Friday, April 8, 2011

Freedom is Sweet :)

So I wanted to take a clock with me that I can always keep on East Coast Time.  I wanted something with an American flag or something Americana!  After a little time spent on the Internet I found the BEST Clock Ever!!!  A Red, White and Blue Cupcake :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Skydiving Metaphor~

The only way I can describe this process of moving to the Middle East is comparing it to skydiving!  Its normal to experience fear when jumping out of a plane and everyone always asks me if I am scared of skydiving.  My reply is “ Kind of, but not really”.  The only time I experience fear is about 1 minute before I jump! 
When I am at the drop zone and waiting to get on the plane, I feel calm. I am going over my moves in my head, practicing pulling my ripcord, and going over emergency plans incase anything does go wrong.  But for the most part I try and keep myself level headed before I board the plane.  No pilot wants someone to freak out mid takeoff!  Then as I walk to the plane my heart starts to beat faster and my hands start to shake just a little.  But once I sit down in the plane I clam myself down again.  After a 15 minute ride up the jump coach opens the latch of the door to the plane and the door slams onto the outside of the plane, and awakes me from my time of meditation!  My eyes grow big as I walk to the door, I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, I think it even skips a couple beats.  As I get up to get my gear ready, I think to myself “Why are you doing this?  Are you really gonna jump out of a plane?  What is wrong with you? Why? Why? Why?  Then as I aproach the door I say to myself, “there’s no turning back now”. 
Soooooo I jump! And all that fear fades away.  There is no time to think or feel fear.  My senses become more alert.  I can only think of my turns and making sure I pull my ripcord at the correct time!  My heart is not racing because of the fear now, but because of the adrenaline!
 So that brings me to the process of my move.  The last 2 months people ask me, am I scared?  And I reply No, not really.  I jumped at this opportunity, without giving it a second thought.   I know this is Gods will, and what ever happens I will rejoice in the outcome, good or bad.  However lately I am at the phase where I am walking to the airplane and my heart is starting to beat a bit faster and the fear is starting to creep in.  I’m dreaming for the day I land in Qatar, the adrenaline kicks in and the fear subsides!